What Matters

I've been reflecting on what matters, lessons learned, practices to experiment with and ideas worth exploring.

Putting yourself out there

habit stack leading women Sep 18, 2020

Sometimes you need to just put yourself out there.  I know this.  I coach others on this very topic.

However, I admit to a Knowing / Doing gap.  A strong perfectionist streak can hold me back from sharing my thinking before I have had time to fully develop it.  Sitting on my ideas though means that an opportunity can pass by while I am still working out the tentacles.

My challenge for this month is to "publish" my thinking while still draft, and invite others to toss the concept around.

How are you putting yourself out there?


Start dreaming again

habit stack leading women Sep 11, 2020

Malcolm Forbes said "When you cease to dream you cease to live" and yet as a working mum, who has time to DREAM?!

So many of my girlfriends are so busy juggling children, their jobs, their partners that they barely have time for their day to day let alone personal goals and dreams beyond just surviving whatever is coming down the pipe next!

I'm not sure if it was too much economics influence at school but I've always used 5-year plans to guide my life choices...  I'm not one for a detailed 12-month plan but a 5-year plan works well.. and I've had a 5-year plan in place since I was...


Do you start your day with email?

Do you start your day by triaging your email? 

This may feel like work but delivers little value and ensures your day is shaped by other people's agendas. 

Watch out for busy work.

Start your day working out what you need to achieve and grow from there.

by Austin Distel on @Unsplash


The importance of doing nothing

As we slowly start to return to workplaces, like you, I’m thinking about how not to squander the reset of the last few months.

Once the intensity of crisis management transitioned into the new normal, I found moments of quiet that might otherwise have been spent previously in a car crossing a city for meetings, on a plane or at various events. While I’ve always made time to reflect, I relished this quiet, this downtime.

In addition to catching up on some reading, the opportunity to enjoy periods of uninterrupted thinking, creativity, and insight has been invaluable. I feel...

Six steps to unlocking the Power of Sleep

Are you getting enough Sleep? Are you waking feeling Recharged?

For many years I didn't get enough sleep - despite going to bed sometimes at Nanna o'clock! I often share about sleep and rest because I struggled with this for so long.  The quality of my sleep was so poor that the wearables tracking my sleep pattern looked like a barcode on a soft drink can.
There are enough things in this world we can't control or influence but we can impact how we feel each day by getting enough sleep. With the right mindset, tools and techniques, you can improve the quality of your sleep...
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